Choir. Once upon a time there lived the Little
Prince… He lived on the planet, which was some bigger that he. Once
upon a time there lived the Little Prince and he needed in the friendship.
It is hard to live in friend absbence, it is pangs and grief. It is
not too well in friend absence. It is lonely life in friend absence
on the small planet. Prince. There is a rule: after you got up and washed, you have to put in order not only yourself, but also your planet…
Choir. You have to put in order planet… Prince. It's need to weed out the baobabs. It is very dull work, but not at all hard. Choir. Once upon a time there lived the Little Prince… He lived on the planet, which was some bigger that he. Once upon a time there lived the Little Prince Prince. It is lonely life in friend absence on the small planet.
Rose. A-ah! I am got up with difficulty. Excuse me. I am quite tousled. Prince. You are wonderful! Rose. Yes, I am wonderful. I was born with sun together. Prince. You are tender and scent! Choir. Once upon a time there lived the Little Prince… Rose. I am afraid of draughts, you are ought to worry about me. Choir. He lived on the planet, which was some bigger that he. Rose. The planet is uncomfortably. Choir. Once upon a time there lived the Little Prince… Prince. A-ah! The nature of this flower is intolerable. The capricious grown… Rose. I am not grown. When the evening will come, you should cover me the cap. Choir. Don't listen the speech of a capricious rose, don't believe her fool words and reproaches.
Just looks to her, breaths her aroma and loves her tender. You shouldn't run. We have the responsibility for who was tamed… Prince. Good bye, my Rose! Rose. Good bye and excuse me! I was foolish… But I love you… Prince. I love you, good bye! Rose. Try to be happiness.
King. Oh, here is my manservant! Come to me, I'd like to descry you. (Prince yawned suddenly).
Etiquette don't allow to yawn in the presence of monarch. I forbid you to yawn. Prince. I am done unexpectedly. I was in the way for a long time and didn't sleep… King. Well, I am command you to yawn. During a lot of years I didn't see the yawning persons. It's even interesting for me. So, yawn! That'll be my order. Prince. But I am timid… I can't more… King. Hm… well… So, I command you to yawn or… King.If I'll order my general to turn into the sea-gull, he will not carry out the order and that's will be not him, but my fault. Prince.May I sit down? King. I'm command: sitting down! Prince.Your majesty, may I'll ask you? King. I'm command: asking me! Prince.Your majesty, where are your kingdom? King.Everywhere. Prince.Is this yours? King.Yes. Prince.Are the stars obeyed to you? King.Yes, of course. But it's necessary to ask for everyone only he can get. If I'll
order my general to flutter from one flower to other, he will not carry out the order and that's will be not him, but my fault. King. First of all the power must be reasonable. I have the rights to demand an obedience, because my orders are reasonable. Prince. Your majesty! I'd like to see the sunset… Please, be so kind, command sun to set. King. The sunset will be front of your eyes. I'll order sun to set. But first of all I'll wait of favourable conditions, because the wisdom of manager consists of that. Prince.. When will the conditions be favourable? King.. Hm…(Turning over the pages of the fat calendar) It will be… hm, … it will be at 19.40 o'clock today. You'll see the execution of my order. Prince (yawning). Bye. I have nothing to do there. King. Stay there, and I will appoint you to minister. Prince. Minister of what? King. Well… of the justice. Prince. But there are no persons to judge them! King. Who knows, I didn't see all my kingdom. I'm many years old, I have no place for the caret. It's tired to go on foot… Prince (looked to the back side of a planet). But I have seen already. There are no someone. King. Then you can judge yourself. That's most difficult. It is more difficult to judge oneself than to judge the others.
If you could judge yourself rightly, so you are wise indeed. Prince. I can judge
myself everywhere. I have not need to stay here for this. If your majesty
wanted the orders to carry out absolutely, you could issue an order
to me. For example, you can command me to go to the travel… In my opinion,
the favourable conditions has become. King.If I'll order you to stay there and appoint you to minister, you won't carry out the
order and that's will be not your, but my fault. (Rushing after Prince). I'm appoint you by the ambassador!
Scene 4: The Prince
and the Ambitious Person (clavier
Ambitious Person. Hey, my admirer has appeared! Prince. Good afternoon! What a funny hat! Ambitious Person. That's need to exchange bows, when I was greeted. Unfortunately, here is nobody comes. Prince. Really? Ambitious Person. Please, applaud me! Prince (clapping). Here is more funny than at the kingdom of old monarch. Ambitious Person (Exchanging bows). More, more! Prince. What's necessary to do for hat had falling! Ambitious Person. Are you really my enthusiastic admirer? Prince. How is to admire? Ambitious Person. It means that I was recognised the best man at myself planet. Prince. But here is nobody lived! Ambitious Person. Well, give me the pleasure, it's all the same admire to me! Prince (shrugging one's shoulders). I'm admiring. (Wanted to go away and went later).
Prince.The adults are strange people. They are know two sweet words only: the power and the glory.
Scene 5: The Prince
and the Business Man (clavier
Prince.Good afternoon. Your cigarette has extinguished. Business Man.Three
plus two equals five, five plus two equals seven… Good afternoon! Seven
plus two equals nine, three plus three equals six…There is no time to
strike a match. Thirty plus sixteen equals fourty six… Are you still
here? Six plus six equals twelve, five plus three equals eight… I'm
a serious man. One, two, three, one, two, three, I have no time for
the talking, one, two, three, four, five, There is no time to dream.
I'm a serious man, I'm a business man Choir.He is a serious man, he is a business man. Business Man. Uff! Consequently, five hundred and one million six hundred and twenty two seven hundred and thirty one. Prince. Five millions of what? Business Man. Five
million… I don't know… I have so much work! I lives fifty four years
on that planet. During all that time it disturbed me for three times.
For the first time or twenty two years ago the may-bug was flying to
me from somewhere. He has kicked up the racket and I made four mistakes
at the addition. For the second time or eleven years ago I had the bout
of rheumatism of the sedentary life. I has no time for the walking.
Third time… is that time! So then, consequently, five million of stars… Prince. What are you making with that stars? Business Man. Nothing. I has owned and order by their. Also I counting it. It's very difficult, but I'm a serious man. Prince. I has a flower and I water it each morning. So the stars hasn't the use from you. (Going away).
Prince. Good evening! Snake. Good evening! Prince. What is your planet? Snake. It's the Earth. It's the Africa. Prince. Really? Are the people lives on the Earth? Snake. It's wilderness. There are nobody there. But the Earth is a big planet. Prince. (thoughtfully). I want to know, why the stars shines. Probably, because, everyone
could find his planet sooner or later. Look at the heaven, over there is my planet…But where it is long way! Snake. Yes, the beautiful planet. But what do you want to be there, at the Earth? Prince. I quarrelled with my flower. Snake. Oh, really… Prince. It's lonely at the desert… Snake. It's lonely among the people too. Prince. You are the strange creature. Not thicker than the king's finger… Snake. But I have more might than it contents in the king's finger. Snake. I could you take away farther than the any ship. But you are clear and has
appeared from yourself star to here. Anybody whom I'll touch, I returns to the Earth. At the day, when you'll want return, I'll help you. Choir. All-powerful Snake. Prince. Why are you talks by the riddles? Choir. All-powerful Snake. Snake. I am solves the riddles. Choir. Anybody whom she'll touch, she returns to the Earth. Snake. At the day, when you'll want return, I'll help you. Choir. All-powerful Snake. All-powerful Snake. All-powerful Snake.
Fox. Hello! Prince. Hello! Fox. I'm here, at the apple-tree. Prince. Who are you? You are very nice! Fox. My name is the Fox. Prince. Have a game with me! I feel sad. Fox. I can not to have a game. I don't taming. Prince. Excuse me. What is it - to tame? Fox. It's very forged concept. It means: to create a bonds. Prince. A bonds? Fox. Yes. You are little boy for me, just the same as other boys. I needn't you. And you needn't me too.
I'm only a fox for you, just the same as other foxes. But if you will tame me, we'll to need one in another. You will to be one and only for me in this word. Prince. I begin to understand. There are one rose… probably, she tames me. Fox. It's possible. Any thinks are at the Earth. Prince. It wasn't at the Earth. Fox. At the other planet? Prince. Yes. Fox. Are the hunters at the your planet? Prince. No. Fox. Well… are the hens..? Prince. No. Fox. There is no perfection at the word! Choir.There is no perfection at the word! There is no perfection at the word! Fox. My life is
boredom. I am hunt for the hens, but the people are hunt for me and
It's bored me to live. But my life will light up, if you'll tame me,
and I'll love the rustling of ears at the wind. The wheat will remember
a color of your hairs. Please, tame me. Please, tame me. Prince. I should glad, but I've a little of time. It's need to find the friends and to know the different things. Fox. It's may to get
to know only the things, which are tamed.The people haven't
much time to get to know something. They buys the finished things in
the shops. But there is no the shops, which trades by the friends, so
the people haven't the friends now. If you want to have a friend, you
need to tame me! Prince. What's necessary to do for it? Fox. It's need to summon up patience. First of all you must to sit down not far from there,
at the grass - that's right. I'll cast looks aslant at you, but you
must keep silence. The words are only disturb to understand each other.
But everyday you could sit a little nearer… It's better, that you'll
come here at the same hour. For example, if you will come at the four
hours o'clock, I'll feel myself more happy at the three hours o'clock.
But I'll begin to worry at the four hours o'clock. I'll know worth of
the happiness! But if you comes at the different time everyday, I don't
know the hour to prepare it for the heart… It's necessary to keep the rites.
Fox. The your Rose is one and only at the word, and I disclose a secret for you. There are my present for you.
Here is my secret, it's very simple: only heart can to be shrpsighted. Choir. Only heart can to be shrpsighted Fox. You can not to see the right chief thinks at the naked eyes. Prince.You can not to see the right chief thinks at the naked eyes. Fox. You value the Rose, becous you gave your days for her. Prince.… becous I gave my days for her. Fox. You have the responsibility for who was tamed. You have responsibility for your the Rose. Prince.I have responsibility for my the Rose. Choir.We have the responsibility for who was tamed… We have the responsibility for who was tamed…
Scene 9: The Prince
in the Rose's garden (clavier
Prince. Who are you?
Roses. We are the roses. Prince. Really? If the my Rose will see there, she will be angry. I was dreaming that I have one and only flower at the word. (The roses dances). Prince.No! You don't resemble to my Rose. No! There are don't want to die for the sake of you. Nobody tame you.
You are beautiful, but you are empty. Nobody learn you to love. You don't resemble to my Rose. My Rose, my loved Rose…
Fox. I'll weep about you. Prince. You are to blame for this. I want not, that there are painfully for you, but you wanted to be taming. Fox. Yes, of course. Prince. If you love the flower,
it grow on the distant stare, than all stars blooms. You are go after
me vainly. You will to look and to have swill. You'll to think, that
I die. But it's untruth. Give me to take the one step. My Rose, I
have responsibility for my the Rose. She is weak… She can not to defend
oneself. Here it's all.
Prince and Rose.The light of the love is on the way to a clouds. Two souls, as though the flowers, tears oneself away from a capture. The tale of the night - the stars of our dream calls to boundless words. The time begin, when a spirit becomes acquainted with the mystery of sonorous universe. Choir.Conclude me to the stars! We'll carry our eternal love trough the endlessness of the words. The our eternal love flyers at the boundless way of the wisdom and the inspiration!