Welcome! That site is devoted to the opera-tale "A Little Prince"!

English version:
Авторские права © Владимир Сидоров.
Все права защищены.
Copyright © Vladimir Sidorov.
All rights reserved.
Web-design - Solar
Магнитогорск 1999-2003
The cover of song and notes collection from the opera-tale "The Little Prince"
Here you can learn about that work in detail. You'll find reviews and commentaries, read about performers. But if you want to listen music visit ... , where you can download some fragments from the opera-tale.

Please, visit the other sites:

Main directory by Vladimir Sidorov - the most complete presentation of composer's art, works at the different genres, extensive catalogue, the performers' pages, reviews and others...

sidorov-prince.narod.ru (links)

The Little Prince /Links/ - yandex.ru

The Little Prince /Play-list/ - youtube.com

The Little Prince /music; videos/ - realmusic.ru

Songs from opera-tale "The Little Prince" on music.lib.ru

Web-sites by Vladimir Sidorov in English

VIDEOS by Vladimir Sidorov (Youtube.com)

Childrens operas and tales by Vladimir Sidorov October (VIDEOS)

Opera-Tale The Little Prince. Sound-track.
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