The Little Prince: opera-tale

English version
Русская версия

Авторские права © Владимир Сидоров.
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Copyright © Vladimir Sidorov.
All rights reserved.
Web-design - Solar
Магнитогорск 1999-2003

Composer Vladomir Sidorov

Composer Vladomir Sidorov

Vladimir Sidorov is a professional composer, professor of Magnitogorsk State Conservatoire. He's a musical radio editor-in-chief, author of the poetic book "Night in the cool compartment", articles were published in the mass-media, astrology and other. Composer synthesizes color of Russia music with modern styles and uses electronic computer experiments in creation. He says: "Composer in Russia is another matter, that only profession. He's philosopher and humanitarian, performer, producer and audio operator in one man. It's mission..."

Vladimir Alexandrovich Sidorov was born by 1956. He created many works in the other genres: symphony, ballet, opera, chamber instrumental music, choral poems, vocal cycles, electronic compositions, songs. V. Sidorov is a reader of Magnitogorsk conservatoire, manager composition section by faculty "Musical history and theory", he wrote 7 educational programs about his lecture courses. V. Sidorov is a leader of the recording studio, editor-in-chief radio "Musical Magnitogorsk", manager of international project "Musical ethnographical centre of South Ural..."

Children choir by Sariya Malukova

Children choir by Sariya Malukova

Sariya Malukova - the conductor by children's choir of the special musical school by Magnitogorsk's conservatoire. Pedagogue has 25 years of work with children. She is a founder and manager of theatre "The Little Prince" by UVK "Family" for the orphans. S. Malukova and V. Sidorov created and presented concert program and score book "We and song together" (publish house "Magnit", 1997), two musical tales: "Scrip's tale" (1990, 1998) and "The Little Prince" (2000).

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