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Vladimir Sidorov. Songs on lyrics by Leon de Greyff /Columb/
1. Pesnopeniye /Chant/
2. Gde ta kotoruyu lublu /Where she what I love/
3. Rondel''19 /Rondo/
4. Margarita Got''e
5. Arietta
6. Kogda lubov ushla /When Our Love Is Gone/




All songs on lyrics by Leon de Greyff. Sings Vladimir Sidorov.

Song "Kogda lubov ushla" (When Our Love Is Gone). Sing Lenny Bord and Marina Bord (USA).

Song "Kogda lubov ushla" (When Our Love Is Gone). Sing Larissa Bogatireva and Vladimir Sidorov. VIDEO

Concert Performances, Premieres, Productions by composer Vladimir Sidorov

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